Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in Oakville - Weihnachten in Oakville (Part II)

Eusi Sonja Bii hat es neus Wiehnachtsgwändli vom Grosmami übercho...

Our little Sonja Bee got a new Christmas outfit from Grosmami...

...und si gseht sälber uus wie es Päckli underem Baum!

...and she looks just like a present under the tree!

Da bin i mit em Schwöschterli...

Here I am with my little sister...

...und gib ere iri Milch.

...and I give her a bottle.

Das isch de Geburtstagschueche wo i am schniide bin.

This is my new Birthdaycake toy.

Mini Familie. Gsend er dFläsche Wii? Die chunt us em Tessin!
Here is my family. See the bottle of wine? It's from the south part of Switzerland called Tessin!

Prost! Cheers!
Mit em Grosmami gits immer öppis zlache!

With my Grosmami there is always something to laugh about!

Da isch na de Nonno. Hier is my Nonno.

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