Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tutta la Familia!!

Silvio with Sonja (2 weeks), Benjamin (2 years, 7 months), and Grosmami with Liam (3 months)

Silvio with Liam, Jody with Sonja

Jody and Liam

Grosmami with Liam
Nonno with Sonja

Uncle Silvio with Benjamin

Benamin at his favorite beach

Sonja - 2 weeks old

Von Maia - Prinzessin Sonja

Maia hat wunderbar!

Going to the park! Gehen wir zum Spielplatz!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Siblings! Geschwister!

Bath time

Hard to see that minutes before, he was in a cranky mood...
Schwer zu sehen dass er vor Minuten nicht gerade guter Laune war...

Sonja sleeping

It looks like she's holding a cell phone. Es sieht so aus wie wenn sie ein Handy haltet.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Self-feeding machine

She continued feeding on the bottle even though I had let go.

The little jacket she's wearing was made by Tante Michi for Maia, then it went to Benjamin, and now Sonja is wearing it!


Benjamin hat dieses Bild in der Montessori gemacht. Ich finde die Idee super!! Es hängt an der Vordertür und ist im Moment die einzige Dekoration, die wir in unserem Puff und Chaos haben!

Benjamin painted this picture at the Montessori school. I love the idea of using his hand and arm, and fingers! I hung it up on the front door for all to see, as the rest of our fall and Halloween decorations are stored away at the storage locker.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

our Steps - unsere Treppe

They're not done yet, but at least we can use the front door again!
Sie ist noch nicht ganz fertig, aber wenigstens kann man die Tür wieder brauchen!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chudleigh's Apple Farm part 2

Grosmami and Nonno do all this cool stuff with me...

Chudleigh's Apple Farm part 1

More art

Benjamin and Grosmami worked very hard at making this welcome plaque.

Our little Sonja Bee!

Already a week old! Schon eine Woche alt!

Benjamin's new suitcase

Auntie Ing brought this wonderful suitcase for me! And I have to take it EVERYWHERE, even the playground!

Tante Ingrid hat mir dieses Köfferchen gebracht! Jetzt muss ich es überallhin mitschleppen, sogar bis zum Spielplatz!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

First bath with big brother Benjamin

Benjamin is so extremely gentle and caring with Sonja, we are astonished. He shares his toys, he touches her hair or her "tiny hands", gives her some of his apple slices, even his beloved "Nuggi Bello" gets passed on to her. So far, so good...and of course he had to help with bathtime.

Benjamin ist so lieb mit der kleinen Sonja. Er fasst sie an, streichelt ihre Händchen und ihr Köpfchen, und gibt ihr seine Spielsachen. Sogar sein Nuggi-Bello wird mit ihr geteilt! Natürlich musste er beim ersten Bad auch helfen!

Grosmami with Sonja B.

Grosmami Beatrice with Sonja B, our little bumble bee!

Big blue-eyed Sonja

Aunties Ingrid and Brigita

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