Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I do not need a crawling child right now. Please. But this is what she does...on her knees, swinging back and forth, at 6 and a half months. She is officially out of this bed and in her crib or travel/play pen.

So auf den Knien schwingt sie hin und her. Jeden Moment fängt sie an zu kriechen. Ab sofort schläft sie nicht mehr hier, sondern entweder in ihrem Bettchen in Kinderzimmer, oder dann im Laufgitter.Also ich brauche im Moment kein kriechendes Kind...schliesslich ist sie erst 6 einhalb Monate alt...

At the park - Spaziergang zum Spielplatz

We went to the park to introduce Sonja to the swing. She liked it!
Wir sind zum Spielplatz spaziert. Sonja durfte zum ersten mal in die Gigampfi! Hat ihr gefallen...

Benjamin musste natürlich noch schnell zum Ufer, einige Steckchen ins Wasser werfen.
Ben of course had to visit the lake and throw a few sticks usual.

Sonja the little character

Where is the food?
Wo isch mis ässe??

Scrunched into the corner like this is how she prefers to sleep....

So i de Egge gnuschtlet isch es ire am wohlschte.

Hi, see my red cheeks? No...I don't have any teeth yet.

Gsender mini rote Bäggli? Nei, ich han halt immer no kei Zänli...

My new dress from Uncle Kevin.

Mis schöne Röckli vom Uncle Kevin!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Basement (Keller) renovations

Laundry room door and the "closet" under the stairs is being worked on now.
Different view of the closet under the stairs.
Ben's toys are down here now; I cannot wait to get more stuff moved down!

Boxes of books. Where are my Billy Bookcases? Yes, they are still upstairs. Too much dust down here still....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Summer is here

I am 6 months old now and finally able to sit without much support. I have to pay attention though, sometimes when something startles me, I fall forward, although I sort of know to hold my hands in front of my face. I still scream when that happens, but if no one comes to my rescue, I stop and investigate what's nearby, just in case I can put it in my mouth.

My big brother Bensky is pretending to have a nap!


Happy Birthday Grosmami!

Sie sieht wie eine kleines, altes Frauchen aus

She looks like a little old lady...

My beautiful boy!

Sonja - 6 months

Friday, April 11, 2008

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