Sunday, December 31, 2006


The Canadians lost the Spengler Cup to the Swiss today!

Die Kanadier haben den Spengler Cup gegen die Schweizer verloren!!

We went skating at an ourdoor rink today....daddy bought me this nice helmet and skates!

But there was this distracting machine nearby so daddy skated around the rink by himself.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


More Presents! Mehr Geschenke!

This book from Silvio and Jody makes music when I press on the buttons!

Dieses Buch macht Musik wenn ich auf die Knöpfe drücke!

Christmas Day - Weihnachtstag

Grosmami and Nonno brought more presents!
Grosmami und Nonno brachten noch mehr Geschenke!

Rusty wants treats from Brigita.
Auch Rusty will sein Gutzi haben!

Some Family - meine Familie

Daddy with Uncle Pete and my new hockey jersey that Uncle Pete picked out!
Jetzt kann ich endlich Hockey spielen weil mir Onkel Pete dieses Jersey geschenkt hat!

Auntie Ing loves to snuggle with me!
Meine Tante Ingrid sitzt gerne mit mir zusammen!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Eve - Weihnachtsabend

Opening presents with Auntie Ingrid, Aleza, and Uncle John.
Päckli ufmache!

My very own ATV just like Uncle Kevin's!
Mein Onkel Kevin hat so eine Machine dort wo er sein Ferienhaus hat! Und jetzt habe ich meine eigene!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Maia's birthday last summer!

Here's a picture with Michelle and Maia at their place in Stouffville, back in June 2006. That's Marie-Louise in the middle! Maia's 3, and Benjamin about 14 months.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Baby art

Here is some of my artwork from school. I had some help, but if it's crooked and full of glue streaks then I did most of it myself!

Ich han die schöne Sache sälber gmacht. Zwar hätt mer d'Lehrerin ghulfä. Deet wos Liimstreife hätt oder wänns schräg uusgseht, dänn han i's meischte sälber gmacht!

The reindeer is really clever. They traced his foot for the face, and the hands for the antlers!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Visit with Elise

My friend Elise is 2 now!

Meine Freundin Elise ist 2!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bath time!

I'm 21 months old and still really enjoy the bath!

Nun bin ich schon 21 Montate alt und bade immer noch gerne!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Tree - Weihnachtsbaum

I just had to post these photos! Benjamin continues to love the Christmas tree. This is his second year of admiring it!

Benjamin staunt noch immer über den Weihnachtsbaum! Hier sind Photos vom letzten Jahr, und diesem Jahr.

The only difference between this year and last year is that he has learned to say I made that!

In der Zwischenzeit aber hat er gelernt zu sagen ich hab' das gemacht!

This year 2006

Last year 2005
Last year 2005

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

School play!

I had my first school play today. We performed the Nutcracker. I and all the toddlers were flowers. We had to wear black clothing and some colourful flower decorations, and spin and wave on the stage. Unfortunately, I was the only one who remembered to spin, and I kept spinning until a teacher stopped me! Some of the toddlers cried, but I didn't until after I got off the stage. I think I saw mommy in the audience, she was smiling and waving at me. Later on, I showed Grosmami, Nonno, Auntie Ing and Uncle John my school upstairs. Then we went home for cake!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Studying the Canadian Tire flyer

Like father, like son.

More parade

Santa Claus parade

Went to the local Santa Claus parade with Sebastian and Madelaine, and their mommy and daddy. Got to sit in Sebastian's cool wagon and share candy canes!

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