Monday, January 19, 2009

Benjamin at gezeichnet!

Sind das nicht die schnusigsten Männchen die man je gesehen hat???

Defrosting the freezer

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New livingroom - neues Wohnzimmer

We're not done, but it's getting there...Noch sind wir nicht fertig aber bald wirds soweit sein.

I'm TRYING to work on something here...

I can't play with my little lego when Sonja is awake. But I wanted to today so mommy helped me create a little nook to protect my toys from that pesky little sister.

I know she wants to play with me but I don't want her to eat my lego.

She tries everything, even stepping on something to get a closer look.

New toy!


Genau wies Brüederli! Just like my brother!

Turne mit em Daddy!

Friday, January 09, 2009

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