Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kapla blocks

First he was watching tv, inside this box... then we took out the Kapla blocks from Uncle Kevin and Auntie Brig...

...and daddy and Benjamin built this tower!

My favorite guy...

Apparently you need to do 3 coats, and this is only the first one, but what the heck. I can almost see the final product!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in Oakville - Weihnachten in Oakville (Part IV)

Am Wiehnachtstag han im mit em Grosmami en Schneema gmacht...
On Christmas day my Grosmami and I made a snowman... Laschtwage dur de Schnee zoge...

...pulled an old truck through the snow...

...und mit em Grosmami gschlittlet!

...and went tobaggoning with my Grosmami!

Uf de Mittag händ mer sAuto packt, und e kei Platz meh gha für de Rusty! Mer händ en halt namal en Tag bi de Villa Labriola glaa.

Around lunchtime we had to pack up the car and realized there was no room left for Rusty! He had to stay another day at the Villa Labriola.

Christmas in Oakville - Weihnachten in Oakville (Part III)

Endlich därf mer dPäckli uufmache!
Finally we can open presents!

Vo de Tante Michi und em Unkul Mike hät dSonja so tolli roseroti Schüeli übercho...

From auntie Michi and uncle Mike Sonja got these cute pink high-tops...

...und ich die blaue!

...and I got the blue ones!

Und vo de Tante Jody und em Unkul Silvio häts das luschtige Spiel gä wo mer mues gruusigi Sache usenä!

From auntie Jody and uncle Silvio I got this cool toy where I have to reach into the head, pick up a disgusting item, feel it, and guess what it is!

Christmas in Oakville - Weihnachten in Oakville (Part II)

Eusi Sonja Bii hat es neus Wiehnachtsgwändli vom Grosmami übercho...

Our little Sonja Bee got a new Christmas outfit from Grosmami...

...und si gseht sälber uus wie es Päckli underem Baum!

...and she looks just like a present under the tree!

Da bin i mit em Schwöschterli...

Here I am with my little sister...

...und gib ere iri Milch.

...and I give her a bottle.

Das isch de Geburtstagschueche wo i am schniide bin.

This is my new Birthdaycake toy.

Mini Familie. Gsend er dFläsche Wii? Die chunt us em Tessin!
Here is my family. See the bottle of wine? It's from the south part of Switzerland called Tessin!

Prost! Cheers!
Mit em Grosmami gits immer öppis zlache!

With my Grosmami there is always something to laugh about!

Da isch na de Nonno. Hier is my Nonno.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas in Oakville - Weihnachten in Oakville (Part I)

Es hät grägnet und sGrosmami hät nöd sofort dTür uufgmacht...
It was raining and my Grosmami didn't open the door right away...

...han i halt müese warte. I had to wait.

Dänn han i därfä dä Wiehnachtsbaum schmücke...
I was then invited to help decorate the Chrismastree...

...und han mi müese fesch konzentriere...

...but I had to concentrate...

sGrosmami hät extra wäge mier di vile Samichlaus usegnah und uufgschtellt.

My Grosmami took out all the Santa decorations especially for me.

Und miis Mami hät am Schluss na miin Nuggi an Baum aneghängt!

And my mommy thought it was funny to place my Nuggi on the tree too!

Liam with Santa Claus

Liam, almost 5 months young, visited Santa. Looks to me like he's getting all he asked for this year...

Elise and Nikolas

Nikolas at 3 months...very interested in those colourful toys!

The two tots were busy drawing...
...then off to the library, holding hands...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

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