Saturday, October 04, 2008

Rusty und sein Bett - Rusty's bed

Miis Bett stinkt nach Wöschpulver. Wisoo muess sis immer wäsche? Kei Aanig hat si vo Hünd.
My bed smells like laundry detergent. Why is she always washing it? She has no clue about dogs.


Dann höri halt uuf scharre. Gopf namal.
Fine, I'll stop. But I don't like it.

Jetzt hät si mer es neus Bett mit eme Tuech deet in Egge ta. Eis wo nöd nach mir stinkt.
Now she puts a new bed in my corner, with a blanket. Except, it doesn't stink like me.

Gang i halt wider ufs alte Bett.
So I may as well go back on the old one.

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