Thursday, August 28, 2008

Schön Zeichne....drawing together.

Benjamin - almost 3.5 years, Sonja 10 months

sBoot gaht wäg. Away with the boat!

Das Sändeliboot chut vos Bracke. Aber es isch halbe kabutt gsii und sWasser isch immer ine gloffe, dänn hand mer halt de Sand usegnaa, und sBoot zum Abfall zoge. SMami seit mer tüend nüme kabutti Sache phalte susch drei i sie dure. Us irgend eme Grund han i nur ein Schue aa...weiss nüme wurum.

This boat came from the Bracks. It was broken and leaked, so we decided to take the sand out of it, and pull it to the curb for garbage day. Mommy says we won't be keeping broken stuff around anymore or else she'll go crazy. For one reason I only have one shoe on...I can't remember why.

Sürmle (whining)

Hallo Mami....lueg wie herzig ich bin!!! Hi mommy, look how cute I am...

Wää...wurum dörf ich nüme a dier hange??? Waaa...why can't I hang on your leg all day???

Oh...what's this? I'll stand on my tippy toes to reach it. Was isch dänn das? Mues halt uf d'Zäeli staa.

What? Hä??

Keeping kids out of trouble...

Let's build a rocket ship!

With a....trailer!!

And now we need a house!
Ok, sisters are allowed...
Bathtime is fascinating from this side.

Playtime with Ellie and Niko!

Ellie and Benjamin (both 3) with Niko and Sonja (11 and 10 months).

Sharing is important...

What are those kids up to?

The boys in the cart, the girls walking...typical!

Vom Garte!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yeeesss??? You want something??

Picky eater Sonja (10 months)

I don't know what this stuff is but it's kinda fun to play with it...
...and to throw it on the floor...
...and to eat it. Well, that part doesn't taste too good.
Then there is this sour thing...
...not sure if I can continue with this mess.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grosmami in Vancouver

Maia (5) and Liam (1)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Bike trailer - Velo Anhänger

Nur so kann ich Rusty spazieren führen, wenn beide Kinder dabei sind. Denn dieser Veloanhänger kann man wie ein Kinderwagen schieben.

Using the bike trailer as a stroller helps to walk Rusty when both kids are home.

Hier wars das erste Mal, dass beide im Veloanhänger sassen. Beide waren todmüde, und es war schrecklich heiss.

Hier is the first time we tried it out...and the kids are exhausted and it was terribly hot.

Beim nächsten mal gings schon ein bischen besser. Zwar musste Benjamin hantieren und kompliziert tun, und die Sonja wurde langsam ungeduldig, aber schlussendlich gings dann trozdem los.

The second time we tried it out, things were a bit better. Although Benjamin was fidding around too long with the cover, and Sonja was getting anxious to get going...finally, we were on our way.

Playing Chess

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