Meine Mami hat heute die Spaghetti Sauce auf dem Grill gekocht....mmmm, so fein!
Recipe / Rezept: Quick Slow Food
Welcome to Benjamin and Sonja's blog. Benjamin was born on March 13, 2005 and Sonja was born on October 15, 2007.
Wilkommen zu Benjamin und Sonjas Blog. Benjamin war am 13. März 2005 geboren, und Sonja war am 15. Oktober 2007 geboren.
...but the traktor is much more interesting!
...aber de Traktor isch scho viel interessanter!
...but at the end we even saw a real Firetruck!
...und am Schluss isch na es richtigs Füürwehrauto cho!
Captain Benjamin
What does this button do? Will it turn lights on like the police cruiser?
Where does this go?
Ah....a downstairs! It's cosy in here!Thank you Francesca!
That's me with Jack and Tyler, some of my friends.
This slide is part of our playground.
Here is my teacher, Mrs. Aridi.
Here is me walking with my daddy.